RESTORE2 24/25
Date & Time:
Wednesday 29 January 2025 (09:30 - 16:30)
Robin Hood Lane Clinic Training Room,
Target Group
This course is targeted to:
- all registered nurses and carers working within residential and nursing homes in the London Borough of Sutton
- other PVI homes commissioned to look after Sutton’s residents.
The aim of this session is:
- To support Registered General Nurses and Carers to understand how to recognise when residents are unwell and what to do using the Restore2 Process.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course participants will have:
- An improved understanding of soft signs
- An increased understanding of the importance of knowing individuals wishes and plans
- An increased understanding of how to complete NEWS2 by completion of vital signs
- An improved ability to escalate concerns and to who
- An increased knowledge of how to use SBARD a structured communication tool
- An increased knowledge and understanding of sepsis
Places Available:
Please Login to book or Register to book
Further Information:
Wendy Bedford,RGN, District Nurse BSc Hons and PG cert in education
Venue Details:
Robin Hood Lane Clinic Training Room,