LSCP Safer Recruitment & Employment Event 2025

Date & Time:

Tuesday 11 February 2025 (09:00 - 12:30)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Trinity Centre, Holy Trinity Church, Maldon Road, Wallington, SM6 8BL



Any professional or volunteer involved in recruitment and management of staff or volunteers who are in contact with children and young people in SWL. This includes HR staff and professionals in councils, health settings, police, early years, schools, further education, commissioned services, and voluntary and community organisations.The event is open to members of adult safeguarding partnerships.


  • To equip participants with the knowledge and understanding required to comply with the requirements under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 that relate to safe recruitment and employment.

  • To develop an awareness of recent updates of national policies, legislation, local guidance, and its application to day-to-day HR-related practice in a wide range of settings.

  • To improve the understanding of key issues relating to safe recruitment, the management of allegations, the role of LADO, and the DBS regional advisor.


  • Presentations from the Chair of the National LADO Network, DBS regional advisor, and speakers from the SWL LSCP professional network.

  • Table discussions to explore practice issues identified by the SWL LADOs to gain valuable insights into the responses and management of allegations against adults.

  • Panel discussions and opportunity to ask questions to experts relating to safer recruitment, management of allegations, and the management of HR safeguarding related issues.

Places Available:


Further Information:

Venue Details:

Trinity Centre, Holy Trinity Church, Maldon Road, Wallington, SM6 8BL

(020 8647 7605)