Preparation for Adulthood Tool - Social Work Practice from Children’s to Adults 25/26
Date & Time:
Target Group:
This course is targeted to social care staff in adults and children’s social care in the London Borough of Sutton.
The aim of this session is:
- To ensure that professionals have the knowledge, skills and confidence to create a Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) Plan that is SMART, and provide the support that is needed for a smooth transition to a fulfilling adulthood.
Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on effective approaches to support young people, carers and other professionals, including ensuring that all practical measures are undertaken in a timely way.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course participants should have:
- Increased knowledge of the LB Sutton PFA Plan and be able to create a SMART Plan
- Increased knowledge of what is required to ensure a smooth transition to adult support services from the ages of 14-18
- Increased knowledge of where to access direct work tools for creating the PFA plan with young people and feel confident to use them
- Increased confidence in ensuring that all actions required to ensure appropriate support is in place for a young person to achieve their aspirations have been completed in a timely way.