Supporting Children across the Autistic Spectrum, including Anxiety & Sexuality 25/26

Date & Time:

Wednesday 15 October 2025 (09:30 - 12:30)




Target Group

This course is targeted to professionals who have organisational responsibilities for SEND at all levels, including: children and adult social care staff, educational settings (early years providers, schools, academies, free schools, colleges), nurses, GPs and other doctors, allied health professionals, therapeutic roles, practice leads, foster carers, residential care staff, commissioned providers and private and voluntary organisations.   


The aim of this session is:

  • To equip participants with an in-depth understanding of Autism and its effects on children and young individuals.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course participants will have:

  • An increased understanding of the term' Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Condition).'
  • An improved awareness of the challenges associated with ASD and the triad of impairments.
  • An increased understanding of triggers and behaviours.
  • An increased understanding of the term "Think and speak autistically" (Lawson)
  • An improved knowledge on how to assist children and young people with Autistic Spectrum conditions in improving their confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.
  • An improved awareness of social and cultural perceptions of the Autistic Spectrum Condition.
  • An increased understanding of why anxiety is so prevalent for those with ASC.
  • An increased knowledge on how to define sexuality
  • An increased understanding of common myths
  • An improved knowledge of critical research.
  • An increased understanding of possible risks both to the young person and the wider community.
  • An increased understanding of issues in sex education.
  • An increased understanding of the balance of compensating vs overcompensating.
  • An increased understanding of how modern technologies are supporting those with ASC.   
  • An increased understanding of the importance of self-care and how to do this.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Social Care Training Solutions

Venue Details:
