SEND Multi-Agency Masterclass 25/26

Date & Time:

Thursday 27 November 2025 (10:00 - 12:00)




Target Group / Level

This course is targeted to professionals who have organisational responsibilities for SEND at all levels, including: children and adult social care staff, educational settings (early years providers, schools, academies, free schools, colleges), nurses, GPs and other doctors, allied health professionals, therapeutic roles, practice leads, foster carers, residential care staff, commissioned providers and private and voluntary organisations.


The aim of this session is:

  • To support practitioners to develop best practice in respect of the requirements set out in the SEND code of practice.

The course will focus on resolving issues that relate to actual requests or open cases.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course participants will have:

  • An increased understanding and confidence to better manage requests or practice issues that arise in case work;
  • An improved knowledge on how challenging and complex issues can be best resolved to comply with the Code of Practice;
  • An improved understanding about the role of other professionals in EHC assessments and care planning and reviewing.

Special Instructions

  • Participants are expected to have attended the SEND core requirement training prior to taking part in a masterclass unless they have this level of knowledge and understanding already.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Amalia Banon - Head of SEN

Venue Details:
