Best Practice for Enquiry and Safeguarding Adults Planning for Managers 25/26

Date & Time:

Tuesday 20 January 2026 (09:30 - 16:30)


Sutton Civic Offices, G3, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA


Target Group:

The target group are those who are required to chair and/or attend ‘enquiry planning’ and ‘safeguarding plan and review’ meetings. It includes: managers and senior/ experienced adult social care staff, statutory partnership agencies and the private, independent and voluntary (PVI) sector supporting residents in residential care, nursing care, home care and supported living in the London Borough of Sutton.  

Staff Groups B, C and D as per Bournemouth University national Competency framework for Safeguarding Adults. Level 3 staff and above (ref: NHS Intercollegiate document 2018  - Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies For Healthcare Staff): Registered health care staff working with adults who engage in assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of adults where there are safeguarding concerns (as appropriate to role); and other named and  designated professionals with specialist roles.

 Please note that all participants are expected to have completed core safeguarding training and have a firm understanding of Safeguarding issues and the Care Act 2014, specifically S42, prior to attending this training. Attendance to both half days is required.


This course aims to

  • Enable managers and senior staff to more effectively chair and/or contribute to Enquiry planning meetings and Safeguarding planning and review meetings in line with the Care Act 2014. This is to help ensure a safe outcome for the adults at risk, and wherever possible with their chosen outcome(s) and the principles of making safeguarding personal.


Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course participants will have:

  • An increased knowledge and understanding about how to apply the “Protecting adults at risk: London multi-agency policy and procedures to safeguard adults from abuse”, including the purpose of each stage of the process from decision to enquiry planning, safeguarding planning and review meetings and the importance of working within time scales;
  • An improved understanding on how to record with a rigour and appreciation of professional accountability;
  • An improved understanding about  management responsibilities in assessing, evaluating and managing risk in a person-centred way and links to clear professional judgement that inform decisions;
  • An improved understanding of how the duties and responsibilities under the Care Act and the Mental Capacity Act apply in practice;
  • An improved confidence about how to effectively chair meetings, enabling the sharing of information and analysis of risk and protective factors;
  • An increased understanding of the difficult balance between safety and choice and control for individuals.
  • An improved confidence on how to resolve areas of disagreement;
  • An improved awareness of skills gained by taking part in an enquiry planning meeting;
  • An improved knowledge and understanding about how to enable the service user or their advocate/family member to take part in the meeting and express their views by attendance at the meeting or other methods;
  • An improved awareness of strategies to establish and maintain an outcome focused approach for service users or their advocate/family member;
  • An improved understanding about how to develop a SMART safeguarding plan, and how to make a plan personal in line with the principles of making safeguarding person centred;
  • An improved confidence to work within the multi-agency working context.
  • An improved understanding about the importance of meaningful ‘partnership working’, including encouraging the confident involvement of professional ‘Alerters’ in the safeguarding process, information sharing and how to hold partners to account for their responsibilities;
  • An increased understanding of how best evidence is achieved
  • An improved knowledge and understanding about how to provide support to whistle blowers and understand the process in dealing with PIPOT - People in positions of trust.
  • An increased knowledge on skills to support, supervise, promote confidence in staff assessing, analysing and investigating the Safeguarding Adults at Risk process.
  • An improved knowledge and understanding about best practice principles for recording the meetings

Special Instructions:

  • All participants are expected to completed core safeguarding adults training and have a firm understanding of Safeguarding issues and the Care Act 2014, specifically S42, prior to attending this training

Places Available:


Further Information:


St Thomas Training

Venue Details:

Sutton Civic Offices, G3, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA

(020 8770 5000)