ZChild Exploitation Criminal & Sexual (Part 1) & Child Exploitation - Child Trafficking & Safeguarding Children Being Moved Across International Borders (Part 2)

Date & Time:

Tuesday 2 March 2021 (09:30 - 12:30)
Wednesday 3 March 2021 (09:30 - 12:30)

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Please note, participants will be required to attend both Part 1 and Part 2 of this course to develop a comprehensive understanding of different forms of child exploitation.

Child Exploitation (Part 1 of 2) Criminal & Sexual & Child Exploitation (Part 2 of 2) - Child Trafficking

Target Group 

This training is targeted at professionals in direct contact with children who undertake or contribute to risk assessments and multi-agency meetings including social workers, family support workers, health professionals, schools, police and others who work with children at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Group Level 2 (regular contact with children, young people and/or parent/carer) or Level 3 (predominantly working with children) or above (including strategic leads), and NHS Inter-Collegiate Standards 2 and above for health professionals.


This session aims to clarify definitions and legislation related to child exploitation, and equip professionals with tools to assess risk and intervene appropriately if there are concerns a child is being criminally or sexually exploited.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the training participants should :
● Understand the definition and types of criminal and sexual child exploitation.
● Be able to apply the relevant law and legislation relating to child exploitation.
● Be able to recognise the signs and vulnerabilities to child exploitation.
● Understand and be able to complete the risk screening tool, or contribute to the social workers completion of the tool by asking a child the right questions.
● Be able to apply contextual thinking to extra-familial risk, and use direct work tools to explore this with children.
● Understand the local services and support available for exploited children.
● Be able to recognise and challenge inappropriate use of language when referring to exploited children.

Child Exploitation (Part 2 of 2) - Child Trafficking & Safeguarding Children Being Moved Across International Borders

Target Group 

This training is targeted at professionals in direct contact with children who undertake or contribute to risk assessments and multi-agency meetings including social workers, family support workers, health professionals, schools, police and others who work with children at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Group Level 2 (regular contact with children, young people and/or parent/carer) or Level 3 (predominantly working with children) or above (including strategic leads), and NHS Inter-Collegiate Standards 2 and above for health professionals.


This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge required to undertake or contribute to risk assessments, strategy meetings and multi-agency planning to safeguard children from exploitation.
This course will explore the different ways children can be exploited, identifying what makes children vulnerable to being trafficked across international borders and provide participants with tools to assist with assessments. The course will also provide an overview of the statutory requirements, legislation and procedures for the National Referral Mechanism.

Learning Objectives

By attending this course, participants will have:
• Increased awareness of the different ways children can be trafficked.
• Improved understanding of what makes children vulnerable to being abused for trafficking.
• Develop skills in undertaking assessments and be better able to identify key agencies to work with.
• Shared best practice in the prevention and disruption of child trafficking and better understand their role in sharing intelligence with partners.
• Improved knowledge about relevant legislation, local protocols/procedures and the National Referral Mechanism.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Specialist Safeguarding Leads (Mandy Jallow and Hanna Wedgwood), Rescue & Response, Check It Out, Police

Venue Details:
