Palliative Care for Carers 25/26

Date & Time:

Tuesday 27 May 2025 (09:30 - 16:30)


Sutton Civic Offices, G1A, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA


Target Group

This course is targeted to all health care assistants working in nursing residential mental health Learning Disabilities settings and the START Team in the London Borough of Sutton.


The aims of this session are:

  • To gain a better understanding of end of life and palliative care. 
  • To gain confidence in having end of life conversations. 
  • To understand the importance of a Good Death
  • Understand the need for personal support and know where you can get support

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course participants will have:

  • An increased understanding of the difference between end of life and palliative care
  • An increased knowledge and understanding of having difficult communication in relation to end of life planning
  • An improved ability to identify someone who is dying
  • An increased understanding of how to access support to enable residents to remain within the home to die
  • An improved understanding of the importance of symptom control

Places Available:


Further Information:


Wendy Bedford,RGN, District Nurse BSc Hons and PG cert in education

Venue Details:

Sutton Civic Offices, G1A, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA

(020 8770 5000)