Obtaining Section 20 agreement from parents and statement writing 25/26

Date & Time:

Wednesday 18 June 2025 (10:00 - 16:00)




Target Group

This is designed specifically for Social Care professionals as part of their duties to safeguard children including what needs to be considered when obtaining Section 20 agreement from those with parental responsibility to lawfully accommodate their children, who work for the London Borough of Sutton. 


The aims of this session are: 

  • To highlight best practices and pitfalls that professionals should be aware of when undertaking statutory child care work and writing statements for Court.
  • To develop skill in drafting a court statement, what to include and best practice.

Learning Objectives

By attending this course, participants will have: 

  • An improved understanding of what is required in obtaining voluntary agreement from parents and how to draft a statement that will support the Local Authority’s position in proceedings.

Places Available:


Further Information:


South London Legal Partnership (SLLP)

Venue Details:
