Transitions and Endings 25/26

Date & Time:

Wednesday 4 February 2026 (10:00 - 14:30)




Target Group

This course is targeted to foster carers who work for the London Borough of Sutton.


The aims of this session are:

  • To build resilience in children to grow stronger and help them manage transition and endings in their life.
  • To explore the impact of children being exposed to painful and traumatic events at different stages in their development and childhood.
  • To  provide foster carers with an improved understanding and practical tools to build resilience in children and help them make successful transitions.

The training is delivered through a mix of knowledge based content and practical exercises.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course participants will have:

  • Improved knowledge and understanding about the meaning of transitions in the lives of children and young people and the range of responses to help them build resilience to manage separations. 
  • Improved knowledge and understanding about the impact of attachment patterns on the child’s ability to deal effectively with transitions and endings. 
  • Improved knowledge and understanding about the importance of planned transitions an endings to apply strategies to manage the impact on the foster child, carer and their family.
  • Improved knowledge and understanding about how adverse childhood experiences (ACE) can have an impact on children who experience separation and loss, and;
  • An ability to build resilience through a range of strategies and techniques such as creating a positive ‘script’ around transitions and endings.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Fostering Network

Venue Details:
