Mental Capacity Act: Learning lessons from Court of Protection Cases 24/25

Date & Time:

Tuesday 18 March 2025 (09:30 - 16:30)


Sutton Civic Offices, G3, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA


Target Group:

This course is targeted to adult social care staff and those in residential care, nursing care, home care and supported living settings, personal assistants and other frontline practitioners who have regular contact with service users/patients and their families or carers in the London Borough of Sutton. 

Staff Groups B, C, D, and E as per the Bournemouth University National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework. 
Level 3 staff and above (ref: NHS Intercollegiate document 2018 - Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies For Healthcare Staff): registered health care staff who engage in assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of adults where there are safeguarding concerns (as appropriate to role).

Please note: Delegates must have previous knowledge and experience of the MCA before booking on to this course.


The aims of this course are to:

  • Explore a range of cases which have been considered by the CoP to see what lessons can be learnt for our everyday practice.
  • Explain that MCA cases go to the CoP either where there is conflict amongst the people involved, and/or where the issue is so serious or complicated that it cannot be resolved through meetings and negotiation.
  • Demonstrate how the rulings of the Court, and the reasons for those rulings, can be invaluable in helping health and social care practitioners deal with similar issues in their own practice.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course participants will have:

  • An improved knowledge of the application of the MCA through exploring a range of cases dealt with in the CoP;

  • An increased understanding of what the CoP has said about various issues, including: best interests, fluctuating capacity, unwise decisions, the relevance of available resources to decision making, how much weight to give to the person’s own wishes and feelings, life sustaining treatment, other serious medical treatment, & restricting contact with family.

    Participants will also have the opportunity to raise their own difficult cases (as appropriate) for discussion and guidance within the group.

Special Instructions:

  • Delegates must have previous knowledge and experience of the Mental Capacity Act before booking on to this course.

Places Available:


Further Information:


St Thomas Training

Venue Details:

Sutton Civic Offices, G3, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA

(020 8770 5000)