ZSSAB World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 - Creating Hope Through Action

Date & Time:

Monday 11 September 2023 (09:30 - 13:00)




Target Group

This session is aimed at LBS staff, safeguarding partners including the ICS, hospitals, mental health services, providers, volunteer sector and borough residents.


The aim of the session is to inspire confidence and hope in all of us that our actions, no matter how big or small, can provide hope to those who are struggling.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the conference participants should be able to:

  • be aware of the services and programmes available within Sutton that can provide hope to those who may be struggling 
  • understand more about mental health issues and how to tackle stigma 
  • better understand risk factors for suicide and to feel more hopeful that we can all play a part in addressing these 
  • share the referral-raising routes to ensure those who need it can be given access to appropriate support


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:



Venue Details:
