Mental Health Awareness 24/25

Date & Time:

Wednesday 27 November 2024 (09:30 - 16:30 (COURSE CANCELLED)


Sutton Civic Offices, G1B, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA


Target Group:

This course is targeted to those who need to develop awareness about adult mental health to carry out their roles and responsibilities such as social care workers, carers, health professionals, schools, police, public health and others that are part of the adults and children safeguarding partnership in the London Borough of Sutton.


The aims of this session are:

  • To give participants an overall understanding of what mental health is, how mental health problems affect people, how mental health problems affect the people who care for the people that have them, and how they can best be managed.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course participants will have:

  • An improved knowledge of the differentiation between mental wellbeing and mental disorder;
  • An improved knowledge to explain how a mental disorder does or does not constitute a mental health problem;
  • An improved knowledge of the thresholds for accessing secondary/specialist mental health services;
  • An improved knowledge of some of the common signs and symptoms of different mental disorders;
  • An improved knowledge of some approaches to treating, responding to and helping someone who experiences symptoms of mental illness;
  • An improved knowledge of resources in the local community which may be helpful to people with mental health problems;
  • An improved knowledge of the risks some people with mental health problems can pose to themselves and to others;
  • An improved knowledge of how the Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) and other relevant legislation applies to their working lives.

Places Available:


Further Information:


St Thomas Training

Venue Details:

Sutton Civic Offices, G1B, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA

(020 8770 5000)