Working with Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Violence 24/25

Date & Time:

Thursday 13 March 2025 (10:00 - 13:00 (COURSE CANCELLED) - Please login to join the waiting list


Sutton Civic Offices, G1B, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA



This training is targeted at:

  • Professionals in direct contact with children who undertake or contribute to risk assessments and multi-agency meetings including social workers, family support workers, health professionals, schools, police and others who work with children at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation who work for the London Borough of Sutton. 

Competency level: 

  • Group Level 2 (regular contact with children, young people and/or parent/carer) or Level 3 (predominantly working with children) or above (including strategic leads), and NHS Inter-Collegiate Standards 2 and above for health professionals.


The aims of this session are:

  • To encourage greater consideration of assessing risk factors associated with perpetrators within assessments and planning whereby risk assessments and planning for intervention will be improved.


By attending this session, participants will have:

  • An improved knowledge of the risk indicators relating to perpetrators of domestic abuse. 
  • An improved knowledge of the importance to consider and include perpetrators of domestic abuse fully within their assessments. 
  • An improved knowledge of the risks of perpetrators even when there is no engagement or they are absent.

Places Available:



Please Login or Register to join the waiting list

Further Information:


Kiran Modare

Venue Details:

Sutton Civic Offices, G1B, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA

(020 8770 5000)