ZLife Story Work training for Foster Carers 22/23

Date & Time:

Tuesday 17 January 2023 (09:30 - 11:30)




Target group

This course is targeted to Foster Carers who work for the London Borough of Sutton


This course explores the importance of life story work for children separated from their family of origin. It can help them to make some sense of their past and their present in order to move into the future with confidence. Life Story work involves gathering together facts about the child’s life in a creative way resulting in a reassuring record of who they are and where they come from. It is a key tool in promoting their sense of identity and self-worth.

Learning Objectives 

By the end of the course participants will have:
• Full understanding of the importance of life story work for looked after children
• Awareness of the emotional impact it has on the child, their carers and workers
• Able to employ a range of methods that can be used for life story work
• Be aware of the different feelings that life story work can invoke in children and young people
• Review some of the resources available to support life story work and know how to use or adapt them
• Have methods to develop a child’s understanding of what has happened to her/him in the past and to sensitively counter the misperceptions of her/his history.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Social Care Training Solutions

Venue Details:
